______________________________ Attendance


At Riverside Bridge we believe that attendance is vital to ensure that our pupils are able to maintain their routines and have access to learning opportunities.


We work with families to aim for all pupils to have attendance above 97% where possible. We appreciate that the needs of our pupils can affect their attendance and we ensure we work closely with our families and outside agencies to support attendance.


The Barking and Dagenham Attendance Team works with our Partnership Learning Attendance Officer, Mr J. Evans,  to advise on attendance management issues and to take referrals on pupils who attend irregularly.


Attendance Officers visit parents and pupils in their home and undertake assessments of the causes of poor school attendance and then identify strategies and action plans to resolve difficulties and improve school attendance.


Reporting Absences

Parents should contact the school as soon as possible on the first day of absence by telephoning 0203 946 5888 before 9:30 am. When reporting a child’s absence via phone call please include:
  • Child’s name
  • Class
  • Reason for absence
  • The estimated duration of the absence
Upon returning to school the “Return to School” form should be completed and returned to school detailing the reason for absence and attaching evidence. If you wish to speak to someone, please call the school between the hours of  7.30am – 4.00pm


Return to School Form


Medical Appointment during school day

Whilst we understand that it is not always possible to arrange appointments outside of the school day, it is expected that pupils, where possible, will attend school around the appointment.
Evidence of the medical appointment is required for us to authorise the absence.  Pupils’ parents/carers should take a medical letter/appointment card, confirming details of any late arrival or early departure from school to the reception for authorisation.  Failure to supply the requested information may result in a pupil’s absence being recorded as unauthorised.
When leaving the school site pupils are expected to be signed out at reception and signed back in on return.


Leave of Absence

In normal circumstances the school will not authorise absences for holiday or extended leave during term time.
Please note that it is a legal requirement for parents/carers to obtain permission from the school before removing a child to take leave during term time.  You may be issued with a Penalty Notice of £120 per parent per child, if your child is taken out of school without prior authorisation.
Should you wish to make a request please for term time leave please complete our ‘Request for Leave of Absence’ form.



When a pupil is late to school or registration they must report to the reception and be signed-in.
AM Registration: Pupils will receive a late mark if they fail to attend morning registration by 9.30 am.


Attendance and Punctuality Policy – September 2022