________________________________ Policies


Policies are the practical embodiment of our values and aspirations as a school community. They guide our day-to-day decisions and actions, ensuring that our agreed values are consistently upheld. These policies facilitate key processes within our school and foster meaningful interactions between our school, pupils, parents & carers, and the wider community. It is important to note that our school policies encompass every aspect of school life, influencing everything from behaviour management to curriculum delivery.

Some of our most significant policies have been published below for your reference, which you can access below. Should you require a copy of any specific policies, please do not hesitate to contact the school. 


Policies for Parents & CarersStaff PoliciesTeaching & Learning PoliciesManagement & Organisation PoliciesSafeguarding & Inclusion Policies

Charging and Remissions

Complaints Procedure

No Debt Policy for School Meals

Parent & Carer Code of Conduct


School Uniform
Early Career Teacher Policy


School's Disciplinary

School's Leave of Absence

School's Sickness Absence

Staff Code of Conduct

Staff Well-Being

Support Staff Capability

Teachers' Capability

Teachers' Pay

Unqualified Teachers





Food And Drink


Physical Activity

Promoting British Values

Remote Learning

Sixth Form Provision

Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development

Teaching & Learning and Assessment

Data Protection

Fire Emergency Procedures

Governors' Allowances

Mobile Phones

Premises & Management

Private Notice - Parents & Carers

Private Notice - Pupils

Private Notice -School Workforce

Provide Access

Safer Recruitment
Accessibility Plan


Children with Health Needs who cannot attend School

Early Help


First Aid

Health & Safety

Intimate Care

Managing Medicines

Missing Child

Restrictive Physical Intervention

Safeguarding and Child Protection

Online Safety

PSHE Education, including Relationships and Sex Education and Health Education

Special Education Needs & Disability

SEN Information Report

Supporting Pupils with Medical Needs