__________________________ SEND Information



Riverside Bridge School is a part of the Partnership Learning Academy.  We are the only special school within the academy.  Our pupils are aged 4-16 and are identified with a range of complex needs. This can include Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties, Severe Learning Difficulties, Moderate Learning Difficulties, Autistic Spectrum Conditions and Communication Disorders.  Our provision focuses on personalised learning to meet the holistic needs of the class group. As a school community, we are committed to providing a vibrant and fulfilling offer to our learners.
All of our learners have an Education Health Care Plan or are in the process of being assessed for this. The annual review process is built on individualised planning for the individual’s future goals. We are committed to partnership working through a collaborative approach with internal and external agencies. Our staff have a range of experiences and knowledge which supports them to promote personalised learning throughout the school day.
Riverside Bridge School has an open door policy with parents/carers and they are welcome to visit us at any time to discuss concerns.  We have an organisational lead in the administration team who is the initial point of contact for all ‘drop in’ parents.  Alternatively a telephone call, email or note in the home/school diary will prompt a meeting either face to face or over the telephone with the class teacher. Once per half term all parents/carers are invited along to attend a coffee morning.  In addition to this the parents are invited along to two parents’ evenings throughout the year and their child’s annual review meeting.  Riverside Bridge School recognise the importance of information sharing being essential for day to day life at school and a home. If you would like further specific information, please speak to the class teacher who can provide detailed information in relation to your child.  If you are not a member of our school community, please contact  bridge@riverside.bardaglea.org.uk.


Riverside Bridge School has access to other external professionals which may be involved in the pupil’s life.  Where this is the case, multidisciplinary meetings are held.  We have a small team of speech and language therapists operating at Riverside Bridge School.  There is an NHS speech and language therapist based at school for two days per week.  In addition to this the school buys into a private service from Blossom Tree Speech and Language Therapy which provides an additional four days support across the whole school. We also have a school nurse based in school for two half days per week.  At present we do not have any physiotherapists or occupational therapists based on school site, however, we do accommodate visiting specialists as and when required.  Many of our children are known to the Children with Disabilities team and we work closely with any named social workers.  Where there is a team around the family or LAC/CIN/CP meetings, Riverside Bridge School can facilitate any meetings that occur and work alongside the professionals involved.


Our school is divided into 5 curriculum pathways, Seeds Pathway (EYFS), Roots Pathway, Branch Pathway, Leaf Pathway and Accreditation Phase (Year 10 and 11 pupils).  We do not offer a post 16 placement.  All pupils in the accreditation pathway will carry out work experience and a transition period to their next placement.  Pupils are placed within a curriculum pathway according to their needs and abilities.  It is possible for pupils to move from one pathway to another throughout their time at Riverside Bridge School.  For more information on the curriculum please click here. Class sizes at Riverside Bridge School range from anything from 6 pupils through to 10 pupils.  On average there is one teacher and two co-educators in each class, although this can depend on the needs and abilities of the children in the class.


We are located in the London Borough of Barking and Dagenham. We work with our families to understand the resources, support, and provision available in their locality. The Baking and Dagenham Local Offer is available here: https://www.lbbd.gov.uk/local-offer


What is a Local Offer?
The Local Offer provides information about what is available across education, health, and social care for children and young people in Barking and Dagenham. These services are specifically for children and young people who have Special Educational Needs and/or disability. The provisions identified in the Local Offer will be in Barking and Dagenham, and can also include services outside of the borough which is likely to be used by children and young people with SEN.


What is the purpose of the Local Offer?
The Local Offer aims to provide clear, comprehensive, accessible and up-to-date information about the available provision and how to access it. In the long term, it will make provision more responsive to local needs and aspirations by directly children and young people with SEN and/or disability in reviewing the local offer and identifying what else is needed.


What does the Local Offer mean for the Riverside Bridge School community?
The provision at Riverside Bridge School is a part of the local offer and is very clear in its commitment to meeting the full need of our pupils. Riverside Bridge School is building relationships with facilities and amenities available within the Local Authority to ensure our children, young people, and families understand what the local offer provides and how to access additional useful services.
For more information on the Barking and Dagenham Local Offer visit their website: www.lbbd.gov.uk


SEN Report – September 2024
SEND Policy